We need to register our Ultimate Frisbee teams with MNYU, the organization that schedules our regular season games. That means we need players to complete registration NOW so we know our rosters for this season! Your Activity Fee check will not be cashed until the week of April 6.
Tryouts are the week of March 16 for the boys' team.
Tryouts are the week of March 23 for the girls' team.
For information on the team and the season, review the info packet: 2015 Ultimate Frisbee Info Packet
To complete registration, you need the following items:
- Activity Fee payable to GRS: $195 if you need a jersey OR $150 for returning players who have a jersey (turn in to the office)
- 2015 Ultimate Frisbee Registration Form (turn in to the office)
- USAU annual youth membership (complete online; cost is $31)
- USAU Waiver and Release of Liability (complete online and submit)
- USAU Medical Authorization Form (turn in to the office)
- Sports Physical dated within the last 3 years (turn in to the office)
- Health Questionnaire if the Sports Physical is older than January 1, 2015 (turn in to the office)
- Asthma Action Plan if the player has asthma and/or carries an inhaler (turn in to the office)
- Food Allergy Action Plan if the player has allergies requiring an Epi Pen or other modification (turn in to the office)