We are exploring the opportunity to add Alpine (downhill) Ski to our list of Charter Stars sports at Great River School! Emma Piorier (Junior in the A3 program) is an experienced racer who has skied at Welch Village for a long time. Because she already has experience and has formed relationships with Welch Village, we will be using that as our preferred site for the 2015/16 school year.
Here are details to help you make a decision about participating:
- Link to Welch Village website: http://www.
welchvillage.com/ - Right now each racer would need to set up their own practice plan through Welch Village. That means purchase of a season pass, membership in Welch's Junior D Team Racing program, and/or membership in Welch's USSA Alpine Team.
- If we have enough participants (3-4 minimum), we will explore the option of setting our own practice days/times at Welch Village. This is dependent on finding a practice run at Welch Village that we can use in order to keep initial costs lower.
- The Coach is Matt McElrath, GRS Dean of Students. He will accompany skiers to races. He will also run practices if we set our own practice schedule.
- We will develop a race schedule that will include a handful of races against other high school teams (probably 3-6 races total). It will include the Welch Village Invitational and Sections (Feb. 3 at Giants Ridge).
Races are hosted by other high schools throughout the Twin Cities. Skiers need to participate in a minimum of three races throughout the season in order to qualify for Sections. If you/your student joins the team, the expectation is that they will participate in our full race schedule once it is developed.
What Great River will provide:
- Coach Matt McElrath
- Membership in the MN State High School League
- Practice schedule if there are enough participants
- Race schedule
- All equipment (skis, poles, boots, goggles, helmet, etc.)
- Transportation
- Access to Welch Village for training/practicing (see above)
- Lift tickets on race days (e.g., Afton Alps, Giants Ridge, Buck Hill)
Because the high school Alpine Ski season starts on Monday, Nov. 9, we need to move relatively quickly. If you/your student is interested in participating, please email Ilse Larsen at ilarsen@greatriverschool. org by no later than Friday, Oct. 16. Feel free to email Ilse, Matt (mmcelrath@greatriverschool. org), and/or Emma (epiorier@greatriverschool.org ) with questions to help you make this decision!